Voquent Celebrates 100,000 Live Demos with revolutionary tech that redefines voice over casting.
We are thrilled to announce reaching 100,000 live and professionally vetted demos on the Voquent platform. Surpassing this number represents a significant milestone in the way that casting is done in the voice over industry.
As a leading voice over platform, Voquent has strived to augment the way in which voice talents are cast in projects that match their skill sets. Incorporating spoken language, accents, nativity, characteristics, talent information, and more has helped craft the Omni-Search bar into technology of unprecedented power in the voice over industry.
Hear from Voquent CEO and COO
Voquent CEO, Miles Chicoine comments, “Our signature casting technology is the beating heart of the Voquent platform. You can get specific results matching performance, location, and technical specifications, all at once.”
Clients can hear what they want from who they want to hear it from. No other voice over casting site has this kind of functionality, results are truly tailored to a client’s brief with unbeatable precision.”
Examples can help showcase the versatility of the search engine in action:
Native Spanish Speaking Female Voice Talents in an Eloquent, Commercial Style.
Voquent COO, Al Black also commented, “I’ve been casting talent for two decades, and the process has a lot in common with its fishing namesake, directors typically cast a wide net, hoping to reel in the best catch.
However, this approach often results in a time-consuming and exhausting task of sorting through numerous options and rejecting many of them. It’s a challenge that both directors and talent find frustrating due to the significant time investment it requires.
But just imagine going fishing without a net, filtering for the perfect fish with your Voquent goggles. Rather than randomly catching whatever comes your way, you can see and pick exactly what you want.
This laser-focused and revolutionary technology saves precious time for both casting agents and talent. It allows them to efficiently connect and compare with genuine peers, creating a more streamlined and enjoyable casting experience.”
Ready to Start Casting?
Use our search bar to find the perfect talent for your project, and don’t forget to use the search filters to save yourself some time. Not ready yet? Discover our guide to hiring voice actors with Voquent:
Voquent serves over 600 languages and 1700 accents, a number exceeding the combined total of the ten largest translation companies in the world, put together.
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