Reach audiences who are blind or hearing-impaired
Also known as universal access, video accessibility services are about making audio-visual content available to people with impaired vision or hearing.
The World Health Organization reports that 15%, 1 Billion of the world's population live with a disability. For this reason, many Governments and large corporations have accessibility targets that their video content must meet before publication.
Voquent's team offers various services to meet these accessibility targets, including audio descriptions, closed captions, and sign language.
But accessibility is more than catering to those with disabilities. Video content needs to be understandable to people who don't speak the source language, can't interpret a speaker's heavy accent or slang, or can't access the audio. Our dubbing, subtitling and localisation services serve these users.
Talk to our sales team now to learn more about how video accessibility services will help you grow your audience.