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Futurama Voice Actors

Welcome to the world of tomorrow; Learn about the Futurama voice actors

In the year 2000, Philip J. Fry is a delivery boy in a dead-end job. Until he is cryogenically frozen and jumps forward 1000 years into the future to become a delivery boy, in a dead-end job… But in the future!

Futurama is set in New New York in the Year 3000. Fry quickly forms friendships with the Cycloptic martial arts expert, Leela, and the tyrannical, girder-bending, folk-singing robot, Bender. Working at Planet Express, the gang delivers packages across the Galaxy. No matter how treacherous, they get the job done.

Unless it is too hard. Then they give up.


Billy West (Philip J. Fry)

Billy West (Philip J. Fry)
  • Billy West
  • 1952
  • Looney Tunes
  • @TheBillyWest
Billy West (Philip J. Fry)
  • Philip J. Fry
  • Human
  • Delivery Boy
  • Stupid
  • Child-like

Once a delivery boy, always a delivery boy.

Fry is the lazy and immature protagonist of Futurama. Fry was frozen for a thousand years after delivering a pizza to a Cryogenic laboratory. He awakes in an unrecognisable and joins the crew of Planet Express on adventures throughout the Galaxy.

Despite being stupid beyond belief, Fry is consistently placed in the role of the essential individual in the Galaxy – standing between the world and annihilation.

This is Billy West’s seminal role. His performance as the lovable doofus that is Philip J. Fry is beloved.

As this page shows, Billy West’s talents don’t end with Fry; West voices a large proportion of the primary Futurama characters. His voice acting abilities are varied and have helped carry the torch for this show, bringing it back despite a long cancellation.  Needless to say, Billy West is a pivotal Futurama voice actor.

John DiMaggio (Bender)

John DiMaggio (Bender)
John DiMaggio (Bender)
  • Bender Bending Rodriguez
  • Robot
  • Bending Unit
  • Cool
  • Egotistical

Bending Unit 22, serial number 2716057 (Bender Bending Rodriguez) – better known as Bender. He is Fry’s best friend and a member of the Planet Express Crew. Bender is literally fuelled by alcohol, so is constantly drinking to recharge.

Bender is a loose cannon. He gambles, parties, smokes and indulges in some less than savoury behaviour. However, beneath his cold exterior is a loving friend… Although beneath that layer is a deranged robot set on world domination and the destruction of humanity.

John DiMaggio is a prolific voice actor and provides Bender’s distinct speech. Thanks to the performance of DiMaggio, Bender is the breakout star of the show, superseding other Futurama characters in popularity. He is certainly the most quote-able character in the show, as his catchphrases became some of the most well-known in any franchise.

As a Futurama voice actor, John DiMaggio’s work in the role of Bender is the gold standard. Bender drives a lot of the show’s most wacky plotlines and provides the show with some added edge.

Katey Sagal (Turanga Leela)

Katey Sagal (Turanga Leela)
  • Katey Sagal
  • 1954
  • Sons of Anarchy
  • @KateySagal
Katey Sagal (Turanga Leela)
  • Turanga Leela
  • Cyclops/ Mutant
  • Captain
  • Stern
  • Dependable

A mutant cyclops with origins in Old New York. Leela is the captain of the Planet Express ship; she is strong, confident and has an eye for detail, which is why she is in charge. She often is responsible for saving Fry and Bender from the consequences of their own ridiculous antics.

Regardless of her competency, she has a complicated personal life. Her mysterious history, life as an orphan, not fitting in, and struggles in her love life. Leela often finds herself wrapped up in her personal affairs. Leela and Fry have an off-and-on relationship that takes seasons to develop, a cornerstone of the show’s emotional side.

Katey Sagal brings her abilities to the forefront to help develop this strong character. Her performance as Leela defined the character across the show’s entire run. Katey Sagal’s classic “heee-yah!” as Leela fights became a recurring quirk to this Futurama character.

Billy West (Professor Farnsworth)

Billy West (Professor Farnsworth)
  • Billy West
  • 1952
  • Looney Tunes
  • @TheBillyWest
Billy West (Professor Farnsworth)
  • Hubert J. Farnsworth
  • Human
  • Professor/ Owner
  • Confused
  • Crazy

The Professor is Fry’s 160+-year-old, great (x30) Nephew, and the Planet Express delivery company owner. He is a mad, evil genius who is typically seen either sleeping with or inventing some doomsday device. Even in a world as weird and unusual as Futurama, The Professor takes the cake as the oddest cast member.

While he is a genius, his age and proclivity for madness result in some very wacky catchphrases and behaviour. The confusion that typically comes along with his old age results in countless instances of forgetfulness.

Billy West is the Futurama voice actor for The Professor. His role in the cast is tremendously varied as he lends his performance to many characters.

Phil LaMarr (Hermes Conrad)

Phil LaMarr (Hermes Conrad)
  • Phil LaMarr
  • 1967
  • Samurai Jack
  • @phillamarr
Phil LaMarr (Hermes Conrad)

Hermes Conrad is the resident Bureaucrat on the crew. A Jamaican limbo champion Hermes is a perfectionist to his core. He is always looking for a way to enact discipline or punishment on the crew for menial reasons. His job is the most important thing to him, so he doesn’t make mistakes.

While Hermes is generally friendly with everyone on the crew, he has an overwhelming hatred for the Alien Lobster, Dr Zoidberg.

Phil LaMarr is a veteran voice actor with great variety in his roles. Spanning multiple franchises, including Metal Gear Solid and Samurai Jack. His Jamaican accent is one of the most distinct elements to this Hermes and separates him as a Futurama character.

Billy West (Doctor Zoidberg)

Billy West (Doctor Zoidberg)
  • Billy West
  • 1952
  • Looney Tunes
  • @TheBillyWest
Billy West (Doctor Zoidberg)
  • John A. Zoidberg
  • Decapodian
  • Staff Doctor
  • Eccentric
  • Silly

Dr Zoidberg is the Human medical expert at Planet Express. He is generally hated by everyone on the crew, as he is constantly berated for his existence. Even though he is a Doctor, he is far from wealthy. He lives in the dumpster behind the company building and usually eats from the garbage. He is a walking disaster. Whilst he is enlisted as the human medical expert, it is made clear many times that he has minimal comprehension of the human anatomy.

This is another character voiced by Billy West. The tone that Billy West applies to Zoidberg is a comedic one. Supposed to exaggerate the character’s ridiculousness. Though usually, this just means the audience laugh at him rather than with him. Billy West has an assortment of roles as a Futurama voice actor, and this represents one of the most unconventional among them.

Lauren Tom (Amy Wong)

Lauren Tom (Amy Wong)
  • Lauren Tom
  • 1961
  • Batman Beyond
  • @LaurenTom9000
Lauren Tom (Amy Wong)

Amy comes from a Martian billionaire family that own half of Mars. She is an assistant to The Professor, as an intern.

Amy is intelligent, friendly, and fun-loving. She has an extensive dating life, being involved with numerous people over the course of the show, including Fry. She eventually settles with Kif Kroker.

Lauren Tom replicates her attitude in her performance as a Futurama voice actor. Lauren Tom plays Amy with an attitude that clearly resembles a teenager or millennial (Although this is from a different millennium).

This means that Amy is constantly seen as youthful and on the cutting edge of style and fashion. Her rich background and materialistic attitude are reflected in her performance. As a Futurama character, Amy is seen as a bit of a loose cannon, however, as the show progresses she is shown to hide great intelligence beneath her party-loving exterior.

Billy West (Zapp Brannigan)

Billy West (Zapp Brannigan)
  • Billy West
  • 1952
  • Looney Tunes
  • @TheBillyWest
Billy West (Zapp Brannigan)
  • Zapp Brannigan
  • Human
  • Commander of the DOOP
  • Arrogant
  • Commanding

Zapp Brannigan! Zapp is considered to be a great military leader by many. He is the Captain of the Earth forces. That is his public persona, anyway. The reality is that Zap is the perfect example of

He is completely incompetent and generally unliked by most people. His ego, cowardice and chauvinism make showcase Zapp Brannigan as a bit of a jerk. He is obsessed with Leela and constantly harasses her whenever he gets the chance.

Once again, Billy West lends his abilities to this member of the Futurama voice actor cast. He is constantly forward and flirtatious in the worst of ways. Although, this is done to enhance the comedic elements to the character, as the attempts fall flat. A parody reflection of the Star Trek Captain he was based on, James T. Kirk.

Maurice LaMarche (Kif Kroker)

Maurice LaMarche (Kif Kroker)
  • Maurice LaMarche
  • 1958
  • Animaniacs
Maurice LaMarche (Kif Kroker)

Kif Kroker is a modest alien and assistant to Zapp Brannigan. He is a pushover who is reluctantly obedient to Brannigan. Kif is a bug-based life form that is mild-mannered and tends to fluster easily.

His role as the underling to Zapp Brannigan is a constant source of difficulty for Kif. Working as his second in command often results in his advice being ignored, with Kif being relegated to little more than a glorified helper.

Maurice LaMarche voices Kif and instils a soft-spoken presence to the character, resulting in him being mistreated, personally and professionally. LaMarche is also responsible for various minor Futurama characters – a multifaceted actor with a wealth of variety in his vocal palette. 

Frank Welker (Nibbler)

Frank Welker (Nibbler)
  • Frank Welker
  • 1946
  • Scooby Doo
  • @megawelker
Frank Welker (Nibbler)
  • Lord Nibbler
  • Nibblonian
  • Ambassador to Earth
  • Deep
  • Smart

A member of one of the most elite and mysterious races in the universe. As cute as they are deadly. Nibbler poses as Leela’s pet for the majority of Futurama. It isn’t until later seasons that it is revealed that Nibbler can speak.

He loves to eat things that are impossibly huge, regardless of his size. Like a goat or a cow. He also poops dark matter – the most important material in the galaxy, fuel that is central to starship travel.

Frank Welker voices nibbler. Welker has an impressive catalogue of roles. He has worked in Looney Tunes, Scooby-Doo, and Studio Ghibli’s My Neighbour Totoro. He is also popular for his ability to voice animals, like pigs, monkeys, and dragons. Which makes him perfect for the animal noises of Nibbler.

Mary Tsiara

By Mary Tsiara

Mary Tsiara is a content writer and editor from Newcastle always on the lookout for good storytelling.

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