Use New Zealand voice actors to ignite the passion for adventure and travel
Whether local or international, audiences know when a New Zealand accent is inauthentic - get it right with a genuine native speaker to harness the character of the accent. Get the most out of your voice-over and guide viewers with a real kiwi voice.
New Zealand voice actors have become more popular than ever, the global appeal of this national accent continues to grow. Don't miss out on the benefits of the charm that you can unlock through a Kiwi voice-over.
Find immaculate New Zealand voice-over talents with Voquent's signature search functionality. Search for accents from around the world to match any brief, perfectly with world-class talent. Shortlist your favourites for a quick quote.
Guide your listeners through an incredible story with amazing narration or capture the laid-back feeling of a relaxing holiday with a conversational New Zealand voice actor. Voquent search opens the doors to true choice.