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What is the Voice of God?

Michael Sum

Michael Sum

6 June 2021

What is the Voice of God? - Voquent

We have all heard the Voice of God in some capacity.

We know what you’re thinking – no, we’re not referring to the big man upstairs. We’re talking about the Voice of God within the voice over industry.

This commanding and authoritative tone captivates audiences, lending gravitas to commercials, documentaries, and live events.

In this blog, we’ll explore what makes the “Voice of God” so compelling and the history behind it.


So, what is the voice of God?

The most straightforward answer to that is:

“An authoritative, omniscient voice that verbally details or directs a scene, from outside of Spatio-temporal existence.”

This essentially means that the Voice of God is an unseen voice over that draws attention and respect through it’s ability to represent a scene off-camera.

Sounds interesting… but where did this voice over style come from?


Westbrook Van Voorhis: The March of Time

The first significant example of the Voice of God style can be found in The March of Time by Time Inc, all the way back in 1935.

The series was a newsreel in America that collated the most relevant news of the day and delivered it. It initially began as a radio broadcast but was eventually adapted to documentary films to be screened at the cinema.

These films ran for over 16 years, holding historical significance as archives of nonpartisan explorations of the 1930s-1950s.

However, the cinematic experience of these newsreels was made obsolete by the rise of broadcast television. Both iterations of the series were helmed by the voice over talent Westbrook Van Voorhis, more notably known as the first Voice of God.

His distinct voice over style was a centrepiece to the programme – what was significant about his style was the emphasis on the omniscience of the narration.

Westbrook Van Voorhis’ voice over provided viewers insight into problems of the day, guided by a storyteller who is familiar and informed on numerous topics, showcased in the series.

Voorhis’ voice over efforts carry an overtly authoritative tone and transatlantic professionalism which was intentionally implemented to instil authority through a voice over that sounded educated. It remained accessible to a broad audience by using a universally palatable accent.

This voice over style may seem silly and too formal by modern standards, especially compared to what we expect in our narration today.


The Power of Propaganda & Parody

The Voice of God has also been invoked for more sinister purposes. The authority and objectivity that this tone radiates means that it has been a valuable tool for disseminating propaganda messaging.

Authoritative omniscience is essential to invoke when misrepresenting foreign powers – with falsities broadcast as fact.

This voice over style proved useful in propaganda – especially during the McCarthyism years in the U.S. However, the ubiquity of this vocal tone quickly became cliché.

As a result, a parody of the technique was inevitable. One such example can be found in the classic Monty Python, International Chinese Communist Conspiracy sketch:

Needless to say, the Voice of God intonation has evolved from its classic iteration into a new form. In modern times, the strictly formal tonality is too rigid to appeal to contemporary audiences.

This in itself has increasingly influenced the selection of voices by tone to remove the elements that sound too cliche or cheesy.


The New Wave Voice of God

The Voice of God has splintered off into various distinct styles, depending on the genre.

The tone appears in different voice over mediums, spearheaded by specific celebrity voice over talents – people who bear the title of the Voice of God.


Don LaFontaine and Movie Trailers

The most apparent successor to the Voice of God title is Don LaFontaine and his work in the film industry.

LaFontaine was able to hype up any film with his iconic voice and set the premise for over 5,000 movie trailers – and potentially hundreds of thousands of television advertisements, promos, and video game trailers, earning him the title the King of Movie Trailers.

The deep, gravelly bass in the pitch of his voice produced a near-shaking sensation in audio. A thunderous power appropriate for someone referred to as God-like.

At his height, he was so successful that LaFontaine practically monopolised the movie trailer voice over industry – voicing upwards of 60 trailers a week.

LaFontaine’s voice over exists in a vacuum, located outside the time and space of the movie. Despite this, he delivers us questions and information relevant to the upcoming film, which feeds into the omnipresence necessary for this voice over tone.

A notable departure here is that the formality and transatlantic accent are no longer present in this tone. While it may have served well in documentary form, these traits do not translate well to entertainment, nor do they build excitement.

Therefore, they were replaced with a more informal register, proving that the Voice of God doesn’t need to be formal or harbour a particular accent.


Bob Sheppard and Announcements

The core of an announcement is to broadcast to the audience what is happening, using a disembodied voice from offstage or off-screen. These messages are usually directorial by nature, as they instruct listeners to sit or narrate events.

Typically, announcers hold potent roles, as their word is gospel.

There is a distinct objective truth that is unquestioned by the listeners – that’s why when we are told to return to our seats during a play, we do it. We are so used to voice over announcers that we do not even attempt to look for a speaker; we follow their guidance – without overselling it, it is as if spoken to us by an all-seeing entity.

In this industry, the titleholder for the Voice of God was proclaimed to be Baseball announcer Bob Sheppard. His status is considered legendary in American sports, lending his classic sound over  4,500 Yankees baseball games over his 56-year career.

They used to say, “You haven’t made it to the big leagues until Bob Sheppard announces your name.” Demonstrating how much weight Sheppard’s voice over carried for followers of the sport. He was the voice of baseball for many, entwined with the very soul of the sport.

The element of omnipresence is replicated most obviously in Sheppard’s work. Many people would tune into the radio to hear the voice over performance by Sheppard, which would direct the line-up for them.

A great deal of importance is placed on the announcer in sports and to become the best of the best is no small feat. He evoked imagery in the minds of listeners and became bound to the brand.


Morgan Freeman and Voice Over

There are few people as renowned for their vocal ability as Morgan Freeman – his buttery smooth sound is universally beloved as a cornerstone of modern cinematic celebrities.

The Voice of God - Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman’s voice over delivery has achieved great success in film and documentaries. His narration in The Shawshank Redemption is iconic and frequently referenced.

Though he narrates from his character’s perspective, he also describes events beyond his character’s knowledge, adding an omnipresent quality.

What’s fascinating about Freeman’s “Voice of God” tone is how his gentle demeanour still commands authority. In the award-winning March of the Penguins, his voice evokes a powerful emotional investment in the emperor penguins’ perilous journey in Antarctica.

In a way, the documentary format has become the home of the modern Voice of God.

The voice over guides us through concepts, places, and ideas that we may have never given much attention to. Through a window into the unknown, the voice over transports us, holding all the answers, which it slowly disseminates to the audience throughout the programme.

The position of power that Morgan Freeman’s voice is gentle and kinder than the original work by Westbrook Van Voorhis. Despite this, Freeman still carries the torch of a benevolent observer, showing that the Voice of God style has changed over time.



So, when you are working on your next voice over project, in need of a Voice of God – think.

Do you want a classic style with a formal, neutral-sounding voice? Or something more modern to give off a warmer demeanour?

Voquent has a myriad of voice over talent, ready for any project in this style. If you require a little help with your casting – contact us for top tier advice!


Listen to Movie Trailer Voices

Michael Sum

By Michael Sum

Michael has a lifelong passion for gaming media and bases his personality on whatever game he's currently playing.

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