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Red Dead Redemption 2 Voice Actors

Discover the Red Dead Redemption 2 voice actors and characters; let's ride!

Red Dead Redemption 2 is the Prequel to Rockstar’s acclaimed Red Dead Redemption. The game places players in the shoes of Arthur Morgan, a member of the Van der Linde Gang and a wanted man. The game follows this band of misfits and outlaws as they travel across America, trying to survive in a world without a place for them anymore.

Arthur fights a battle of futility that cannot end happily. He has done so much wrong in his life; there are so few chances to change. The old west is dying, in the jaws of civilisation, which will inevitably consume it. In these circumstances, can a man really find who he is? Can he find some form of redemption?

Arthur Morgan (Roger Clark)

Arthur Morgan (Roger Clark)
Arthur Morgan (Roger Clark)
  • Arthur Morgan
  • English

The protagonist of the game, Arthur, is the star of the show and a fairly unconventional main character. While Arthur claims that he doesn’t have too many thoughts, opinions or conscience regarding the gang’s choices or actions – this is not true. The player hears his inner monologues and understands his melancholy view of the world, a place where he no longer can fit in, despite only wanting to live free.

Raised by Dutch and Hosea since the age of 15, the philosophy that these two men preach is one that Arthur lives by. They are father figures to Morgan, people who taught him to shoot, read, and write. Similarly, John Marston is comparable to his brother, even if they do not always see eye-to-eye. The Van der Linde gang is a big, dysfunctional family.

At his heart, the best adjective for Arthur is Loyal. His faith in what he stands for and those he cares for is unwavering regardless of the foe’s size. He cannot be bought or bribed, and betrayal is absolutely off the table. While his allegiances shift across the game, he remains loyal to those in the crew he is dedicated to protecting.

There is no singular Arthur Morgan. His personality alters incredibly over time, to the point where he is an immensely different man by the end of the game. Arthur is emotionally closed-off, with his ruthlessness and violent behavioural traits being completely dispassionate; he does not kill out of pleasure. Ultimately, he has a moral code that he abides by, with killing unnecessarily being a strictly no-go area for the character.

Arthur Morgan’s voice actor in Red Dead Redemption 2 is Roger Clark. A stage actor and audiobook narrator with a rather short portfolio of acting roles. There is little of note to mention, in popular media, outside of his time as a Red Dead Redemption 2 voice actor. A shocking fact given how incredibly successful Clark was in the shoes of Arthur and his talent as an actor. His performance was so incredible that he even won the 2018 Game Awards Best Performance award for a voice actor in a video game.

The role of Arthur is one of the most demanding performances that a voice actor could hope to undertake. Roger Clark had to bring everything to the table for a 40+ hour game that showcased Arthur as the dark yet endearing anti-hero. Finding this character appealing and engaging, despite the glaring flaws, was no easy task, and a lot could have gone wrong. But Roger Clark brings it all to the table and shows that Arthur has a good heart, even if he commits bad deeds. One of the most immaculate instances of a video game character performance in gaming history.

Dutch van der Linde (Benjamin Byron Davis)

Dutch van der Linde (Benjamin Byron Davis)
  • Benjamin Byron Davis
  • @Tooda
Dutch van der Linde (Benjamin Byron Davis)
  • Dutch van der Linde
  • Dutch

The Leader of the gang, Dutch, is a complicated and romantic individual. There is nothing more valuable to Dutch van der Linde than freedom and liberty – his primary motivation for pursuing the life of an outlaw is to develop an independent existence. A livelihood that exists outside of civilisation, where technology and societal normalcy rules the day.

However, the way of life that he has dedicated himself to is dying; it simply cannot co-exist with the world he wants to avoid. With the opportunities for his lifestyle shrinking as the world advances – he finds himself trapped between inveitability and his own nature. The inevitability that progress will not stop and shall, one day, consume the west; his nature is that he cannot live in a world like that.

Trouble follows Dutch’s plans. His tendency for spectacle and overly complex execution draws the attention of Pinkertons, the detective agency that is hired to root out outlaws. The conflict of this existence chases the Van der Linde gang all over America. He would instead let himself and his gang die for his dream. After all, he has a plan…

Dutch Van der Linde is given his signature voice by Benjamin Byron Davis, an actor that has appeared in various minor roles in his time as an actor. Like many Red Dead Redemption 2 voice actors, Byron Davis has appeared in a limited number of video game properties. In fact, the only instances where he has worked in games have been with other Rockstar-produced video games.

Benjamin Byron Davis is the perfect fit for Dutch, giving a stellar performance that shows absolute mastery of the character. He reprises this role after his initial outing as the character in the original Red Dead Redemption game. But this prequel gives keener insight into the character of Dutch. It shows his descent into madness and villainy as the gang slowly falls to pieces around him – succumbing to the world he hates.

While Benjamin Byron Davis initially plays Dutch as though he were a benevolent leader, a man who would give himself and everything he is to his followers. Over the course of the game, it becomes clearer that this was, in part, a charade. As he becomes more manic and extreme, his vocal expression becomes more desperate and weaker as he too does. The characteristic voice cracks are one of Dutch’s signature traits that Byron Davis works into his performance, helping this character stand out among an immensely talented cast.

John Marson (Robb Wiethoff)

John Marson (Robb Wiethoff)
John Marson (Robb Wiethoff)

The protagonist of the original Red Dead Redemption, and a side character in this prequel game, John Marston, is a fan-favourite. Found on the streets, Dutch and Hosea took in John from a young age and taught him much the same as Arthur – and the two became brothers. While they do not always get along, Arthur and John are similar in many ways. Both tend to do good; neither of them will turn away from doing back; both of them are looking for redemption in some form.

John is a wanted man in much the same vein as the rest of the Van der Linde gang. Shrewd, fearless and strong-willed, Marston is one of Dutch’s favourite sons – The golden boy.  John is intelligent, sarcastic, and witty – however, unlike Arthur, John is much denser, which is commonly pointed out by the sharper members of the gang.

He is a fairly simple individual who doesn’t put up with the quirks and ridiculousness that comes with aspects of modern life. Unlike his original iteration, in this prequel, John is much colder and apathetic. Funnily enough, while John holds a rudimentary and simplistic view of the world, this does have its benefits. He can highlight the hypocrisy that comes with society, as he can see through the superficial complexity used to shroud unjustifiable options, like the irony of murder is illegal unless a court of law mandates it. This likely drives him to retain elements of Dutch’s philosophy that spit in the face of government and modernity.

Rob Wiethoff returns to the role of John Marston after years of inactivity in the acting world. One of the most interesting elements to Rob Wiethoff is that acting is not his primary profession. Wiethoff’s day job is construction work, with the Red Dead Redemption video games being the only gaming voice acting work that he has performed. This is a testament to the development studio, Rockstar’s ability to cast unknown yet terrific actors for their video games. For his work as John Marston, Robb Wiethoff has won numerous awards.

The coarse, rough, and unique voice that John Marston has is something that Robb Wiethoff could have only provided. The vocal sound that John Marston produces is unlike any other, which makes him instantly recognisable among the cast of the game, and in gaming culture.

Hosea Matthews (Curzon Dobell)

Hosea Matthews (Curzon Dobell)
  • Curzon Dobell
  • IMDB
Hosea Matthews (Curzon Dobell)
  • Hosea Matthews
  • American

One of the founding members of the group, Hosea, was an incredible conman and Dutch’s closest confidant. The two of these men met when they secretly robbed each other at the same time and decided to go into business together. Soon after, the two found Arthur and the Van der Linde gang was born. Hosea is a good man with a distaste for violence and greed. He is shown to be the man who pushes for the group’s altruistic actions, giving to those who need it most.

Hosea is the oldest member of the gang, but he is also the most intelligent and level-headed. He enthuses planning carefully before any job, with his wisdom playing a vital role in keeping Dutch in check and keeping the gang safe. He seems to have no intention of settling down in his old age instead of being devoted to the gang until the day that he may die. Once, Hosea left the group to live with the woman he loved, Bessie. But after her death, Hosea fell into a depression and returned to the gang.

Curzon Dobell lends his voice and likeness to the character of Hosea. While the voice acting that Dobell provides is top-notch, the performance that he conjures for the role is similar to his own spoken voice. This helps to add to the authenticity and believability of Hosea Matthews.

Hosea is a gentle and ageing man, which is replicated in the voice acting that Curzon Dobell employs. He is soft-spoken and often will try to discuss any situation before jumping into an idea calmly. Hosea is the voice of reason, giving council to Dutch to temper his more wild plans. Though, the results of his efforts can be mixed.

Micah Bell (Peter Blomquist)

Micah Bell (Peter Blomquist)
Micah Bell (Peter Blomquist)
  • Micah Bell III
  • American

A brutal and devious man, Micah Bell III is the son of Micah Bell Jr. – with whom his life as a criminal began early when they both committed a double homicide of a ranching couple. Micah doesn’t fit in well among the Van der Linde gang, as no one seems to like having him around. Except for Dutch, who is the only reason that Micah is permitted to ride with the group.

Micah is an untrustworthy, dislikable, villainous man who often will resort to violence as a first option. His very presence is enough to create grand rifts of division between the once cohesive circle; it was Micah’s influence over Dutch that caused the botched Blackwater ferry robbery to go south and result in the death of some gang members and set in motion the events of the game. His ability to sway Dutch and indulge his riskier ideas is a source of constant contention.

The Red Dead Redemption 2 voice actor and model for Micah Bell is Peter Blomquist. He revels in his contribution to this game, often referring to his fans as “cowpoke” – a reference to Micah’s tendency to derogatively refer to people with the term.

Peter Blomquist provides a performance that highlights the sleaziness of the Micah Bell character. He sounds nasal, sly, and consistently goads other characters in an attempt to gain a reaction for his own sadistic pleasure. This is also replicated in the way that he moves; he is crooked all-round. To make this character as detestable as he is is no easy accomplishment. Blomquist brings Micah to life in a way that makes the character completely unlikable – an effective motivator for players in the game. Without mincing words, thanks to Blomquist’s skill and talent in the role, it is hard not to hate him.

Javier Escuella (Gabriel Sloyer)

Javier Escuella (Gabriel Sloyer)
Javier Escuella (Gabriel Sloyer)
  • Javier Escuella
  • Mexican

Fiercely loyal, with the soul of a revolutionary, Javier is a returning character from the first game. A Mexican man born into a cruel system, Javier has fought for years to destroy the corrupt government in his home. Still, after killing a powerful military man over the woman he loved, Javier fled to America. Once he arrived, he fell to near starvation and poverty, with an inability to speak English.

Eventually, he encountered the Van der Linde gang when both parties were attempting to steal chickens. Once brought into the fold, Javier came to idolise Dutch quickly and the gang, showing a strong affinity for their ideals and goals of fighting against authority. The crew aligned with his revolutionary desires, and this became his new home, as he was forbidden from returning to Mexico.

Javier doesn’t play a tremendously prominent role in the game, although he is present in the camp for the story’s entirety. What matters to him is that the gang continues to do what it has always done and survive in the face of adversity. His loyalty to Dutch means that he will follow him no matter the mission. Even if it means turning a blind eye to the group’s downfall.

Gabriel Sloyer is the voice actor for Javier Escuella, a different actor from who filled the job in the first game. Gabriel Sloyer feels a solid attachment to the character of Javier, as he has expressed that he fought for specific characterisations for Javier, in opposition with Rockstar – showing how much he cares for his role.

Javier Escuella is not a native speaking American, so his Mexican accent shines through when he is speaking. His distinct vocal sound is smokey and relaxed

Bill Williamson (Steve J. Palmer)

Bill Williamson (Steve J. Palmer)
Bill Williamson (Steve J. Palmer)
  • Bill Williamson (Formerly Marion)
  • American

An ex-military man who can’t tell up from down, Bill isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he is loyal and skilled with explosives. Bill earns his place as a member and supports Dutch at every turn. Williamson is easily angered, as he is an emotional individual who doesn’t take mockery well – though this may be a result of his insecurities.

Born as Marion Williamson, he changed his name to negate the potential femininity typically associated with Marion. Although it is fun to note that Bill is usually a nickname derived from William, his name could be interpreted as William Williamson.

His tame personality takes a darker turn by the beginning of the original game, as he runs his own gang of aggressive brutes, and he has become disloyal to all and cowardly.

Bill was modelled and voiced by Steve J. Palmer, another Red Dead Redemption 2 voice actor with a small portfolio of credits. He is one of the few actors who returned to contribute to both games in the series. He provides Bill Williamson with a vocal style that is consistent across the franchise. His vocal pitch isn’t conventionally masculine, as it can sound pretty whiney. Although, this is likely intentional, as Bill is quick to complain or react to comments that mock him.

Sadie Adler (Alex McKenna)

Sadie Adler (Alex McKenna)
Sadie Adler (Alex McKenna)

Living the ideal life, Sadie Adler and her husband Jake live on a farmstead, happily married. Until the O’Driscolls came along and set it alight, her husband dead, her life in ruins, Sadie joins the Van der Linde gang who came to her aid. With nowhere else to go, Sadie runs with the group until the moment is opportune for her to avenge her old life and kill every O’Driscoll.

These events would have broken a lesser person, but it steeled Sadie, moulding her into a different person, with a renewed personality. As content as she was in her old life, she became vengeful in her new one. Sadie repeatedly demonstrates reckless and vindictive behaviour, putting her allies at risk. Although, Sadie doesn’t appear to feel any kinship with the gang or share their ideas. Eventually, she does come to care for Arthur, John, Abigail, Jack, and Charles. For these individuals, she showcases immense loyalty and will risk her life to protect them.

Alex McKenna is the model and voice actor for Sadie in the game. She has a history in film and television, winning various awards for her work on Bear with Us. So Alex McKenna is one of the instances where a Red Dead Redemption 2 voice actor has an established presence in media.

Sadie’s voice and inflexion change as she changes in the story. At first, she seems helpless and lost, crying and quiet most of the time. She is trying to get past her loss and losing the battle. The characteristics that Alex McKenna uses in this style are more depressed and defeated. On the other hand, when Sadie does discover her violent streak, she becomes an entirely different entity. She commands, is direct, and makes herself central to the decision-making process of the camp. At times, Sadie can also fall into a bloodlust frenzy, throwing caution to the wind. Alex McKenna sells the changing personality of Sadie perfectly – it is hard to envision an actor providing a more believable performance than McKenna.

Abigail Roberts (Cali Elizabeth Moore)

Abigail Roberts (Cali Elizabeth Moore)
Abigail Roberts (Cali Elizabeth Moore)
  • Abigail Roberts
  • American

A former prostitute, Abigail is married to John Marston and mother to Jack Marston. She joined the gang and eventually fell in love with John. She is fiercely devoted to her family, willing to move mountains to keep them safe. Her relationship with John is strained at times, as he seems unwilling to choose whether he cares more about being a father and husband or being an outlaw. She wants a different life without being on the run, but such a life feels like a pipe dream.

Abigail isn’t the most educated individual, she can’t read or do any mathematics, but she is strong-willed and is street-smart. She can look after herself in a world where threats lurk around every corner, especially for women.

Cali Elizabeth Moore is the Red Dead Redemption 2 voice actor for Abigail, a different actor than the first game, Sophia Marzocchi. Abigail retains the look that she attained from Marzocchi; however, her voice is different. Cali Elizabeth Moore is not a tremendously prominent actor, but she has some credits to her name, including minor roles in GTAV.

Cali Elizabeth Moore provides a performance that highlights Abigail’s strictness and spitfire attitude. It is easy to buy into the idea that Abigail is entirely devoted to her family from the sound of her voice alone.

Jack Marston (Marissa Buccianti)

Jack Marston (Marissa Buccianti)
  • Marissa Buccianti
Jack Marston (Marissa Buccianti)
  • Jack Marston

Jack Marston is the only character whose Red Dead Redemption 2 voice actor changes depending on the game’s timeframe. He starts as a child, the son of John Marston and Abigail Roberts. As a boy, he is sweet, curious, yet explicitly unaware of the status of the gang. The fact that they are on the run and must move from place to place is a concept that Jack has not been forced to come to terms with, likely due to his age.

When Jack Marston reaches his pre-teen years, he is much more reserved and introverted. He spends most of his time reading fantasy novels, getting lost in other worlds. His educated and high-brow preferences are at odds with the people around him, most of which take no interest in books.

As a child, Jack Marston is played by Marissa Buccianti, a female voice actor who is capable of developing a higher pitch that is needed for a child. This is the only instance where a female voice actor performs a male role in this game. The sound of his voice is child-like and cute.

When Jack is older, Ted Sutherland takes the helm, providing a more complicated performance for the character in teen angst. He is much less agreeable in his older age, opting more to stay quiet and obedient, with a cheeky side that is not afraid to talk back. Beneath these layers are an anxious and emotional young man who is insecure about the world outside his books.

Uncle (James Anthony McBride)

Uncle (James Anthony McBride)
Uncle (James Anthony McBride)

A confusing man whose contribution to the gang can be confusing to decipher, with most of the crew conflicted on why they even keep Uncle around. He doesn’t do chores, bring in much money, nor provide any real direction for the group. He is the resident old alcoholic member of the Van der Linde gang.

Uncle occasionally brings in leads for the gang’s potential exploits, but even these are few and far between. He is brighter and more cunning than the majority of the group, so he uses his wits as a means of outsmarting those around him, usually to escape doing work. Uncle embodies a strange type of wisdom that can help him see through the personas people put up to shroud their intentions.

Previously voiced by Spider Madison, Uncle’s Red Dead Redemption 2 voice actor is James McBride. McBride provides Uncle with a carefree attitude, as he acts upbeat and relaxed. Serious is not a concept that he recognises, which is replicated in the sound that McBride brings to the table.

The Red Dead Redemption 2 voice actor for Uncle was not always James Anthony McBride. John O’Creagh performed as Uncle for a portion of the game and still remains as Uncle’s singing voice. However, O’Creagh died during the production of the game – which caused him to be replaced. His name is immortalised in a location name: O’Creagh’s Run.

Charles Smith (Noshir Dalal)

 Charles Smith (Noshir Dalal)
 Charles Smith (Noshir Dalal)

Charles is a deadly fighter and stealthy survivalist that went out into the world alone at only 13 years old. His origins tie back to his African-American father and Native-American mother who met when his father stayed with his mother’s tribe.
The tribe was attack and Charles fled with his family but one day his mother was taken away by army men and consequently his father sunk into a drunken manic depression that fuelled Charles’s decision to leave.

In many playthroughs Charles develops into Arthur Morgan’s closest friend, and this is considered to be canonical. This is no doubt because of Charles’s boundless integrity, he’s a honourable, loyal member of the Van Der Linde Gang and despite how the world has wrong him and his family because of the colour of their skin, he refuses to sink into malice.

Charles is voice acted by Noshir Dalal, who has since became quite a heavy hitter in the video game industry, going onto perform roles in games such as Gears 5, Death Stranding, Cyberpunk 2077, Sekiro (the main character), Halo Infinite and more.
Noshir gives Charles Smith a confident, warm and honest voice that does a great job of
communicating what kind of character he is.
Noshir has been acting for TV and various shorts since 2008, because of this experience he has also performed much of the MoCap for video games, including Spiderman 2018 and Death Stranding.

Sean McGuire (Michael Mellamphy)

Sean McGuire (Michael Mellamphy)
Sean McGuire (Michael Mellamphy)

An Irish immigrant who has fled to America to find the American dream with his outlaw father. After his father’s death, Sean joined the Van der Linde gang and became a younger brother to Arthur. This is obvious in that Sean often playfully teases Arthur as “English” or “King Arthur”.

Michael Mellamphy is the voice behind Sean Macguire. An Irishman who lends his understanding of the Irish accent to the character he plays. It is hard to pinpoint the specific variant of the Irish accent that Sean holds. The result is a generic accent with no determinate regional origin, perhaps a testament to how often Sean was on the run as a boy, developing his accent along the way.

Lenny Summers (Harron Atkins)

Lenny Summers (Harron Atkins)
Lenny Summers (Harron Atkins)

Born from parents who were slaves, Lenny has struggled to find a place in the world. A free and educated man, who is treated as little more than that by many due to the colour of his skin. He joined the Van der Linde gang because they accept him and give him a place to belong as an equal man.

He grows close to Hosea, as both characters have a similar appreciation for books and are learned men. Lenny’s ability to comprehend complicated ideas is among the most impressive in the group. He even debates ideology toe-to-toe with Dutch.

Harron Atkins performs Lenny Summers – he doesn’t have a widely prolific portfolio of work, as is usually the case when Rockstar casts characters. Lenny is a straightforward and honest character, with modesty being central to his attitude. Harron Atkins carries his work as Lenny with grace and decorum.

Karen Jones (Jo Armenoix)

Karen Jones (Jo Armenoix)
Karen Jones (Jo Armenoix)

One of the best scam artists in the business with a love of all things fun, Karen is the type of person who adores the life of an outlaw for its fast pace and unpredictability. Few people can outdrink Karen Jones, with drinking, partying and adventures being the name of the game with her.

Her relationship with Sean is deep, but the game doesn’t take too much time to dwell on it. She may be wild, but beneath that, some honest insecurities lead her to struggle to find her feet and establish something more with Sean.

In voice acting, the actor behind Karen, Jo Armenoix, has had some success. For over 5 years, she appeared as a recurring character in Pokémon, so she isn’t a complete unknown. She breathes a vibrant and excited tone to Karen for the first portion of the game, although as the character deteriorates and is worn by alcoholism, she does start to lose herself to substance abuse.

Tilly Jackson (Meeya Davis)

Tilly Jackson (Meeya Davis)
Tilly Jackson (Meeya Davis)

Tilly joined up with Dutch, who taught her to read and write, much like Arthur and John. She is not the type to let people push her around. Before linking up with the gang, Tilly is responsible for killing a senior member of the Foreman brothers group for trying to make advances toward her forcibly.

Tilly does her fair share in the camp, constantly tending to the camp affairs and chores. Her gratitude to Dutch is strong, and she sees him in a fatherly light. She is dedicated to the Van der Linde’s to the end, and she cares for all of those around her.

Tilly’s voice actor, Meeya Davis, lends her voice to the character. She has had various minor roles in television, though these are primarily from after her role as a Red Dead Redemption 2 voice actor. She endows Tilly with an outwardly pleasant demeanour, although she does take the character to darker places with her aggressive attitude surfacing when necessary.

Mary-Beth Gaskill (Samantha Strelitz)

Mary-Beth Gaskill (Samantha Strelitz)
Mary-Beth Gaskill (Samantha Strelitz)
  • Mary-Beth Gaskill
  • American

One of the latest additions to the Van der Linde gang, Mary-Beth, isn’t well suited to a life on the run. Mary-Beth prefers to stay at camp and read books, romance novels being of particularly keen interest to her. She isn’t afraid to step up when there is work to be done, but her sweet and caring nature doesn’t seem well aligned with the darker aspects of the gang’s deeds.

There is an air of innocence and kindness surrounding Mary-Beth, which is authentic as she is never seen acting cruelly. Although this is a valuable appearance for a criminal, stealing from people is much easier when the thief is the last person you would suspect.

Samantha Strelitz is the voice actor behind Mary-Beth. She doesn’t have too many lines compared to one of the main characters, like Arthur, although Mary-Beth has a distinct style all her own. Her voice is gentle, relaxing and sweet, which helps feed into the impression that her character gives off.

Simon Pearson (Jim Santangeli)

Simon Pearson (Jim Santangeli)
Simon Pearson (Jim Santangeli)
  • Simon Pearson
  • American

The camp cook and butcher, Mr. Pearson joined the Van der Linde gang after working in the Navy for a brief period. He serves to feed everyone and can craft new equipment for Arthur to use in his travels – in exchange for provisions, of course. He is not a fighter, but cooking is an essential role so the gang wouldn’t get along without him.

He is a loud man who is typically filled with cheer. Although, he seems unwilling to accept the fact that his life has taken a fall from grace. He finds meaning in his role, taking it very seriously. Mr. Pearson is far from a fighter, despite his military training, as he never participates in the gang’s most violent endeavours.

Jim Santangeli is the Red Dead Redemption 2 voice actor for Mr. Pearson. He has a career that has extended over 10 years in acting, writing, and directing for TV, film, and online projects. While he doesn’t have a tremendous amount of screen time, he has a jolly demeanour when he is on-screen. So when the gang goes through harder times, Jim Santangeli brings a crestfallen attitude to the character.

Josiah Trelawny (Stephen Gevedon)

Josiah Trelawny (Stephen Gevedon)
Josiah Trelawny (Stephen Gevedon)
  • Josiah Trelawny
  • English

A conman who emigrated from England to the United States in his early childhood. He eventually joined the gang before the game’s setting in 1899, though he tends to disappear for weeks, even months, at a time – he always comes back. His great disappearing acts are certainly in keeping with his character, as he is more than capable of magic tricks and other forms of mischief.

Trelawny presents himself as an ostentatious and exaggerated gentleman. The air of civilisation constantly surrounds him, although he is dedicated to the gang. While his disappearances make it seem as though Trelawny is disloyal, he is anything but. He holds the crew, especially Arthur, in high esteem – not to mention that he also takes part in a life of crime to fund his family, who he shields from his alter ego as a conman.

The actor for Josiah Trelawny is Stephen Gevedon. Starting his acting career as a Klingon extra in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Gevedon has been performing professionally for nearly 30 years. His role as one of the Red Dead Redemption 2 voice actors is Stephen’s first significant voice acting job.

Trelawny’s voice is different from the rest of the cast. He has a Transatlantic accent, a high-class accent constructed of basic English and American influences. This is an essential element to the character, as it allows for Trelawny to talk in a form with maximum appeal to all types of English speakers. Yet, it also hides the character’s origins, helping to shroud him in even more mystery.

Leopold Strauss (Howard Pinhasik)

Leopold Strauss (Howard Pinhasik)
  • Howard Pinhasik
  • @how5555
Leopold Strauss (Howard Pinhasik)
  • Leopold Strauss
  • Austrian

Strauss was born in Austria to a poor family, and with a variety of health problems. By the age of twelve, his brother was already acting as a criminal, with his sister being sold into servitude by the time she was nine. Moulding Strauss into a cold, cynical man. Soon after, he moved to the United States with his uncle, who passed shortly thereafter – leaving Leopold alone. His proficiency at scamming caught the eye of Dutch, who brought him into the fold.

In the Gang, Strauss is the accountant and loan shark. His actions are petty; his criminality is cowardly. He grooms desperate people to accept his loans with interest rates that are impossible to pay back. At this point, he owns them and can constantly take a steady stream of revenue from the debtor. He never collects the debt personally, enlisting Arthur to force money out of those who owe.

Howard Pinhasik is the voice of Leopold Strauss in the game. He provides the character with an Austrian accent that has been tempered by his time in America. The devious sound that underlies his speech makes the character sound inherently corrupt. Pinhasik has minor history in television, with two roles in Law & Order among his portfolio.

Being in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a singular instance where Pinhasik has worked in voice acting. As is typical for Rockstar, he is mostly an unknown yet delivers a powerful performance as a unique character, even when compared to the rest of this colourful cast.

Kieran Duffy (Pico Alexander)

Kieran Duffy (Pico Alexander)
Kieran Duffy (Pico Alexander)
  • Kieran Duffy
  • Irish

Once a member of a rival gang, the O’Driscolls, Kieran was captured by the Van der Linde’s as a prisoner. During his captivity, he was quiet, nervous, and generally agreeable as he hopes to join the crew permanently. He never really entered the O’Driscolls for any kind of idealism; he fell in with them after having nowhere else to go.

Kieran is treated fairly poorly by everyone at camp, as he is viewed as a turncoat or traitor. He is rarely given a chance to prove himself to Dutch, despite his efforts. The only person in the camp who seems to treat Kieran as a person is Marybeth. The two might even be a little sweet on each other.

Pico Alexander performs as Kieran, lending his youthful sound to the character. Alexander has found relative success in his acting career, working alongside big named actors like Reese Witherspoon. Even though he started as an enemy, Kieran is honest and endearing.

Molly O'Shea (Penny O'Brien)

Molly O'Shea (Penny O'Brien)
Molly O'Shea (Penny O'Brien)
  • Molly O'Shea
  • Irish

Molly grew up in Ireland, born to a wealthy family. Through unknown reasons, she ended up romantically involved with Dutch. As her background is in luxury, she is used to the finer things in life, so the chores and labour in the camp are things she doesn’t take part in. This arrogant attitude isolates her from the rest of the group, as they resent her unwillingness to help out when everyone else has to do their share.

Molly O’Shea is voiced by Penny O’Brien, an authentic Irish voice actor from Dublin. Her legitimate accent substantially enhances Molly as a character, helping sell her character’s origin. Similarly to the rest of the Red Dead Redemption 2 voice actors, Penny has a limited background in acting, with this game being the only instance of her voice acting.

Michael Sum

By Michael Sum

Michael has a lifelong passion for gaming media and bases his personality on whatever game he's currently playing.

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