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Big Mouth Cast: Meet the Voice Actors

Meet the Big Mouth cast that bring the iconic characters to life!

Ah, puberty. The struggle between our innocent childhood selves and the demons that well up inside of us in the form of hormones. We battle them for control as they take us on a ride to the heights of bliss and to the depths of despair. 

The Big Mouth cast takes this concept and creates the ancient Hormone Monsters that come to guide pubescent teens through the journey, pushing them to their limits and changing them forever.

Keep reading to discover the Big Mouth voice actors that give the show so much of its personality – monstrous, innocent, and everything in between.

Meet the Nick voice actor

Meet the Nick voice actor
  • Nick Kroll
  • @nickkroll
  • 5 June 1978
Meet the Nick voice actor

Also voices: Maury, Andrew’s Hormone Monster, and Lola Skump.

Nick is one of the first character’s we are introduced to in Big Mouth. In season 1, he’s a late bloomer, his friend Andrew has ventured well into the changes of puberty but Nick has still yet to.

Jealousy and insecurity wells within Nick which mires his various relationships and love interests. He is knowledgeable and relatively level-headed, but lacks the confidence to chase after what and who he wants directly.

Nick Kroll is actually the source of the inspiration for Nick Birch and his character development arc. Birch is characterised by his large tendency to deflect blame away from himself and avoid accountability; Kroll tells us that this, along with many of the events and relationships in Big Mouth, are inspired by real events and feelings he and the other writers had growing up.

Big Mouth cast member Nick Kroll’s history involves lots of stand-up and comedy appearances in TV and film. Notably he’s lent his voice to Sausage Party, Sing, and Captain Underpants.

Meet the Jessi voice actor

Meet the Jessi voice actor
  • Jessi Klein
  • @jessirklein
  • 18 August 1975
Meet the Jessi voice actor
  • Jessi Glaser
  • Smart
  • Soft

The intelligent and witty girl of the cast is Jessi. She stands centre with Nick as one of the tritagonists. She is known for being a confident speaker in class and a top student who is the captain of the debate team.

However, when Jessi has her first period, she is confronted by the Hormone Monster, Connie, who changes her forever. Jessi goes on to rack up a whopping 50 crimes throughout the series as Connie lulls her into chasing more and more adrenaline fueled adventures. 

Glaser is voiced by Jessi Klein, who like the Big Mouth voice actor of Nick, derived a lot of Glaser’s writing from her experiences growing up, hence the unabashed self-insert naming convention. Klein does not have many acting credits, rather she’s known as a 6-time Emmy nominated producer and writer in the industry having work on Dead To Me, Transparent, and Inside Amy Schumer – for which she won a PrimeTime Emmy.

Meet the Andrew voice actor

Meet the Andrew voice actor
  • John Mulaney
  • @johnmulaney
  • 26 August 1982
Meet the Andrew voice actor

The main cast is completed by Andrew Glouberman. He’s slightly older than the other two and puberty has already started for him at the beginning of the story. Well, it has more than started; with Maury as his hormone monster, Andrew has gotten aboard the veritable puberty rocket and is barrelling toward advanced pubescence at lightspeed.

The awkward and nerdiness of him is compounded by the hormones that drive teenage boys mad. Andrew is not completely dominated by these feelings of course, he can keep a lid on things when he needs to, allowing him to showcase his intelligence and empathy for the other characters in the cast.

John Mulaney had a similar career to Nick Kroll, having done stand-up, acting and writing for various platforms. The Big Mouth voice actor started as a writer for Saturday Night Live from which he earned 8 PrimeTime Emmy nominations and a win for his original music and lyrics writing. He also claimed another two wins from his Stand-up shows in 2018 and 2023.

Acting wise, Mulaney recently voiced Chip in Chip n’ Dale, Spider-Ham in Into the Spiderverse, and  Jack Horner in Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. 

Meet the Missy voice actor

Meet the Missy voice actor
  • Jenny Slate/Ayo Edebiri
  • Instagram
  • 25 March 1982 / 3 October 1995
Meet the Missy voice actor

Missy doesn’t struggle with the developments of puberty nearly as much as the other characters. Having grown up in a very progressive and liberal household, she was familiar with many topics and had an understanding of her body and sexuality beyond that of her peers. Instead Missy struggles more socially, and later down the line with her identity as a mixed race girl. 

Jenny Slate originally voiced Missy for the first four seasons of the show. She’s a very experienced voice actor, notably taking roles in The Lorax , Zootopia, The Secret Life of Pets, and the oscar-nominated Marcel the Shell with Shoes On. She announced in 2020 that she would be stepping down from the role due to no longer feeling comfortable voicing a character of a different ethnicity.

Ayo Edebiri took over at the end of season four when Missy’s character develops substantially. The Big Mouth cast member is a rising star in the industry having won a PrimeTime Emmy and a Golden Globe for her performance in The Bear, as well as 17 other award wins and 35 nominations.

Meet the Jay voice actor

Meet the Jay voice actor
  • Jason Mantzoukas
  • IMDB
  • 18 December 1972
Meet the Jay voice actor

Jay is a character that seems to be on the same hormonal rocket-ship as Andrew, taking out his new-found lust on various inanimate objects in his home, to the point where he personifies and anthropomorphise’s them. Despite having little to no experience, Jay acts as a mentor and advisor to Nick, and constantly feeds him myths and misinformation about sex and women.

He doesn’t like home much, as his parents are outright or borderline abusive at times. Instead, he views the Birch house more of a home with Diane Birch and Elliot Birch taking greater care of him than his own parents. 

Jason Mantzoukas, Jay’s voice actor, has plenty of experience in playing the larynx especially since Big Mouth. He’s played in the likes of The Lego Batman Movie, Invincible, and Close Enough. However, you’re more likely to recognise his tones from his work as a live-action actor in The League where he played Rafi.


Meet the Connie voice actor

Meet the Connie voice actor
Meet the Connie voice actor
  • Connie the Hormone Monstress / Diane Birch
  • Sultry
  • Raw

Also voices: Diane Birch and Bonnie the Hormone Monstress. 

Connie is the devious Hormone Monstress that guides Jessi through her puberty journey. As a hormone monstress she influences girls like Jessi, making them yearn for vanity and to express their sensuality. It both propels Jessi forward and corrupts her, causing her to side with people she regards as bullies in the hopes of attaining their social esteem. Connie has some history with Maury, Andrew’s Hormone Monster, and the two seem to pendulate between lovers and enemies. 

Maya Rudolph is someone you may recognise as “Mamala” – her satirical Saturday Night Live take on Kamala Harris. SNL is actually the show where she has gotten the wealth of her notoriety and experience from in the industry, having performed in 162 episodes from 2000-2020 for which she earned two out of five of her PrimeTime Emmy wins from. The other three come from her performance as Connie in Big Mouth.

She’s also been seen in Bridesmaids, Away We Go, and The Way Way Back

Meet the Elliot voice actor

Meet the Elliot voice actor
  • John Mulaney
  • @johnmulaney
  • 4 December 1966
Meet the Elliot voice actor

Father of the Birch family is Elliot. He’s a bubbly cardiologist that’s always looking out for his kids and particularly Nick throughout the series, helping him with his insecurities and courting Jessi. He’s a happy and expressive man who doesn’t withhold his love, perhaps due to how he was raised by his father, Seamus MacGregor, who never showed him love. He met Diane – Nick’s mother – at medical school and went on to have three kids with her.

Elliot is voiced by Fred Armisen, who initially started his career in the entertainment industry as a Musician, playing in groups such as The Blue Man Group and Trenchmouth. The Big Mouth voice actor is now a comedian and writer, crediting the Saturday Night Live show as his breakthrough into comedy acting. From 2002-2023 he has played in 238 episodes as various characters such as Barack Obama and Larry King.

Throughout his history in television Armisen has earned 15 Emmy nominations, most of which are for his writing/composition and acting in Portlandia.

Meet the Ghost of Duke voice actor

Meet the Ghost of Duke voice actor
  • Jordan Peele
  • @jordanpeele
  • 21 February 1979
Meet the Ghost of Duke voice actor
  • Ghost of Duke Ellington
  • Fatherly
  • Fun

Also voices: Luda and Cyrus Forman-Greenwald

The Ghost of Duke Ellington is a character loosely based on the real Duke Ellington. He’s a composer and Jazz-pianist from the 1920s just like the real deal, and has plenty of the smooth-talking charm and eloquent charisma that you’d imagine. He died in Nick’s house in 1974 and has since haunted its attic. Apparently stuck between the realms of heaven and hell, Duke Ellington repents for his sins as a ghost. Nick frequently consults Ellington for advice that he doesn’t feel comfortable asking anyone else about, and the two are close friends who enjoy learning about each other’s lives. 

You may be surprised to learn that Duke Ellington is played by the Academy Award winning  director and writer Jordan Peele behind Get Out, Nope, and Us. The Big Mouth voice actor is not only notable for his excellence in writing and direction but his acting too. His variety sketch show, Key & Peele  has earned a PrimeTime Emmy win and six nominations. He has taken on various voice acting roles in particular, for shows such as Bob’s Burgers, Toy Story 4, and Abruptio

Meet the Matthew voice actor

Meet the Matthew voice actor
Meet the Matthew voice actor

Matthew is a tap dancing extraordinaire, full of witty interjections and unabashed pride in himself. He’s considered the most attractive boy in school by the other characters and he’s the only openly gay character in the cast. His story largely centres around his complex relationship with his Texan conservative and traditional family, particularly his mother who he gets on so well with, but they both avoid acknowledging the obvious about Matthew. He is a side-character in the show until the later seasons where he becomes more developed, where we learn about his childhood struggles with sexuality. 

Big Mouth cast member Andrew Scott Rannells made his name in theatre on Broadway. His surge in popularity came from his role as Elder Kevin Price in the critically acclaimed The Book of Mormon for which he would receive a Grammy award win.

Prior to that Rannells notably performed in Broadway’s Hairspray and Jersey Boys performances. Film wise he showed up in I Don’t Understand You, A Simple Favor, and The Intern and many others throughout his colourful career. 

Meet the Caleb voice actor

Meet the Caleb voice actor
Meet the Caleb voice actor
  • Caleb / Lump Humpman / Joe the Hormone Monster
  • Monotone
  • Direct

Caleb is an intelligent kid with savant syndrome, who excels at advanced calculations and can recall vast amounts of specialised knowledge. He provides Big Mouth audience’s with a staggeringly accurate representation of autism with no masking. Caleb is understood as “Backpack kid” to the others in his school, and that’s because his simple rule is that no one is allowed to touch his backpack. Such a relationship with particular possessions is a common symptom for those with ASD. 

Caleb is voiced by Joe Wengert, an actor, producer, and comedy writer who specialises in sketch and improvisation. Acting wise most of his early career was spent trying to find some footing through shorts and appearances on running TV shows. His first substantial recurring role was in How to Live with Your Parents (for the Rest of Your Life). However, his main focus was in stand-up and improv, as until Big Mouth and Human Resources, Joe didn’t take on many recurring acting roles.

Instead, the Big Mouth cast member opted to write for popular comedy shows like Comedy Bang! Bang!, Kroll Show, and notably New Girl. He would also write episodes for Big Mouth here and there.

Meet the Judd voice actor

Meet the Judd voice actor
  • Jonathan Barney Daly (aka Jon Daly)
  • @jondaly
  • 14 April 1977
Meet the Judd voice actor

The resident edgelord of the Big Mouth cast is Judd Birch. He’s biting and maniacal and intimidates many of the kids on the cast, not least his younger brother Nick Birch. Above all however, he’s cool and the heart-throb of many characters and fans for predictable reasons. Even Jessi finds herself swooning over him in later seasons. He’s the classic rebel teen, with a penchant for the gothic; training an army of racoons, spray painting any public surface, and discussing murderous plans with his dates.  

The growling monotone voice of Judd is projected by Jonathan Barney Daly (aka Jon Daly). Like many on this list Jon is best known for his sketch comedy, particularly for his 26 appearances on the Kroll Show, 24 of which he helped write. He started improv at the age of 16 and was taken by the art from there, becoming a regular sketch performer at UCB Theatre for over a decade after graduating university.

As well as writing, comedy TV, and film, the Big Mouth voice actor also flourished his quill for the High on Life video game. Other notable performances of his take place in Fallout, American Dad!, and Bob’s Burgers.

Meet the Marty voice actor

Meet the Marty voice actor
Meet the Marty voice actor

Andrew’s father isn’t like his son at all, bar the intelligence and knowledge which he only uses for his cynical and petty ends. He fits the stereotype of an old begrudged man who cannot be satisfied, or take joy in anything. He never fails to see the trivial failings of someone or something, and unloads a minutiae of largely irrelevant complaints regardless of the subject and context. In his own words, he only seems to like three people, one at least is his wife, Barbara, but Andrew fails to make the list, which is apparent from the way Marty treats him. 

Marty’s voice actor is Richard Kind, who has an incredibly ironic name for the character he’s playing. Richard is an incredibly experienced actor with over 290 credits and has found much of his success in theatre performance, particularly comedy shows.

Kind’s work in broadway’s The Big Knife was nominated for a Tony award. However, Big Mouth isn’t his only voice acting role, you may recognise his voice from Inside Out as Bing Bong, Cars 1 & 2 as the minivan, or even A Bug’s Life as Molt. 

Dylan Langfield

By Dylan Langfield

Dylan is a creative writer, a psychology student at GCU and an esports enthusiast. He builds worlds, wracks brains and clicks heads. He has combined these skills to become a specialised cognitive science and video-games content writer.

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